Thursday, 28 October 2021

DevNet - Linux - Bash (1)

 BASH basics

- acronym for "Bourne Again Shell"

- allows for command and script processing

- supports piping i.e.:

$env | more 

will add page breaks when displaying the information:

- For help  "man" can be used to access detailed information about command i.e.:

$man pwd

will return:

- sample commands:

pwd - print current working directory

ls - list files and directories, optionally can be used with "-a" (show all including hidden files) or "-l" to list permissions and user/group ownership, example:

mkdir - create directory

rm - deletes file or directory, useful flag "-rf" to force remove all files within deleted


cp - copy file or folder, does not delete the source file

mv - move file/folder between directories, also can be used to rename files/folders

        using "mv -f " will force overwrite if destination file already exists

cat - can be used to view or create files, 

        useful example $cat filename.txt | more 

touch - used to create an empty file or change the time stamp without opening it

- running commands at the admin level "sudo" can be used, example:

  $sudo apt-get update - this will prompt user to enter password before proceeding with an update of the list of available packages

- environment variables:

env - to view current set of variables, example: $env | more

echo - can be used to display single variable i.e.: echo $PATH

export - can be used to add new variable i.e.: export PASS=c1sco

unset - can be used to remove variable i.e.: unset PASS

note! newly created variable will be lost after session reload unless it is added to .bashrc file (or .zshrc on MacOS) 

to add variable, example:

$echo "export PASS=c1sco" >> .bashrc

to reload the variables:

$source ~/.bashrc or $. ~/.bashrc 

Sunday, 17 October 2021

DevNet - Python module Urllib3 - user-friendly HTTP client

 Urllib3 is a HTTP client for python it can grab data, post data, stream data, work with JSON as well as use redirects.

Urllib3 can be installed using pip:

    python -m pip install urllib3

    or via GitHub:

    git clone git://

    python install

code example:

 cat test_urllib 

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""urllib3 module test"""

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager()

URL = ''

resp = http.request('GET', URL)


- this example create GET request to and prints the return code of response, output:

python test_urllib 


- code 200 ("OK") indicates that the request has succeeded.

HTTP response code groups:

  • Informational responses (100–199)
  • Successful responses (200–299)
  • Redirects (300–399)
  • Client errors (400–499)
  • Server errors (500–599)

Urllib3 features:

  • Thread safety.
  • Connection pooling.
  • Client-side SSL/TLS verification.
  • File uploads with multipart encoding.
  • Helpers for retrying requests and dealing with HTTP redirects.
  • Support for gzip, deflate, and brotli encoding.
  • Proxy support for HTTP and SOCKS.
  • 100% test coverage.


DevNet - Parsing data formats in Pyton: JSON & YAML (basics)

JSON data code example.

- JSON file:

{ "node": 

  { "hostname": "Edge1", "details": { "interface":

   { "name": "Ethernet0", "description": "L2 Uplink", "enabled": "true"





- Python file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

""" simple code to parse json """

import json

with open("data.json", "r", encoding = "UTF-8") as file:

    data = json.load(file)


- Output: 


{'node': {'hostname': 'Edge1', 'details': {'interface': {'name': 'Ethernet0', 'description': 'L2 Uplink', 'enabled': ‘true'}}}}

*** of course we can narrow the output information by modifying print command to for instance:


which would return only the hostname:



*** there are four ways to be used when parsing data:
    - load() - import native JSON as Python dictionary 
    - loads() - import JSON data from the string
    - dump() - used to write JSON data from python objects into JSON file
    - dumps() - same as dump() except returns string, does not require file object

YAML example:

- YAML file:

cat data.yaml  



    hostname: Edge1






- Python file:


""" parse YAML file simple example """

import yaml

with open ("data.yaml", "r", encoding = "UTF-8") as fdata:

    ydata = yaml.safe_load(fdata)


- Output


{'device': {'hostname': 'Edge1', 'interface': 'name:Ethernet0 description:Uplink enabled:true’}}

*** two functions are available with in YAML module:

   - yaml.load - to convert YAML data into Python
   - yaml.dump - to convert Python data back to YAML


All files are available on my GitHub:

Sunday, 3 October 2021

DevNet - XML - Parsing Data Formats in Python

 We should think of data formats in terms of different ways of providing structure and consistency to present the data.

->XML - Python natively supports XML encoding and decoding. Parsing XML data is not straight forward way when compared to YAML and JSON.

The simplest way is to parse the XML file is to convert it to ordered dictionary using xmltodict module. Ordered dictionary is a subclass of dictionary in Python and it is used because it remembers the order of how the keys are inserted in to dictionary.


XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>





  <description>L2 Uplink</description>




Install xmltodict module: pip install xmltodict

Python file:

import xmltodict

xmlFile = open ('lab.xml')

xmlData =


xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(xmlData)


Output after running Python script:

OrderedDict([('device', OrderedDict([('hostname', 'Edge1'), ('interface', OrderedDict([('name', 'Ethernet0'), ('description', 'L2 Uplink'), ('enabled', 'true')]))]))])

Additional info: link to tutorial how to use xml.etree.ElementTree module:

All examples are available on my GitHub:

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

DevNet - data formats [XML, JSON, YAML]

-> XML - Extensible Markup Language - platform neutral and data format. It has a tree like structure starting with a root element at the top and a parent/child relationship between elements. In below example device is the root element. First line in XML file is called prologue and it includes version and encoding information. Tags are used defined and usually documented by API provider. 

XML can be problematic to parse in Python due to the fact that the order of data is important Python module: xmltodict converts XML into ordered dictionary.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding=“UTF-8"?>
<!— example of comment in XML —>
<description>L2 Uplink</description>

Keep in mind: in XML whitespace is insignificant

-> JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - data structure that comes from Java programming language but it is not limited to it and can be used independently. Data objects in JSON are comma separated key/value pairs which can be nested to create hierarchy/structure of data model. following are examples of supported data types: Strings, numbers, booleans or nulls.


{ "node":

  { "hostname": "Edge1", "details": { "interface":

   { "name": "Ethernet0", "description": "L2 Uplink", "enabled": "true"





Keep in mind: JSON does not support comments unlike XML or YAML, whitespace is insignificant and used to help with human readability.

-> YAML - YAML Ain’t Markup Language - human friendly data format that can be used with all programming language. Syntax is very minimal, YAML file opens with three dashes (“—-”) and close with three dots (“…”), hash and a space (“# ”) indicates comment. 




    hostname: Edge1






To work with YAML 

Keep in mind: YAML parsers can parse JSON as well. White space is significant, indentation with a use of space (not Tab) indicates hierarchy and it should be consistent.

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Automation is simple - Netmiko is great

While back in the galaxy far away I was asked to write a script to pull the data from all the remote nodes.  As I was unable to use Ansible as it would not work after quick research I realized Netmiko was the answer. I found Kirk Byers GitHub here: and modify one of his examples for my own purpose.

The differences from the original script by Kirk Byers is that I am using loop and store password so I don't need to enter it every time script logs to another device as well as I am collecting logs for troubleshooting purposes. Initially I use the script to pool licensing data but as it usually happens the script due to its simplicity was used for other tasks.

Below is the modified version of the script that can be used to change/add local used on Huawei nodes and verify if the user account is working. Beside a script itself there are two other text files required one with list of all nodes and the second with the list of commands to be executed (which i am not going to publish here). Third file "verification" is run for verification purposes


#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

# this script adds new local user for all devices included ipListOfNodes file

import logging

# Netmiko is the same as ConnectHandler

from netmiko import ConnectHandler, redispatch

from netmiko import Netmiko

from getpass import getpass

# logging for troubleshooting purposes

logging.basicConfig(filename='test.log', level=logging.DEBUG)

logger = logging.getLogger("netmiko")

hostFile = open ('ipListOfNodes','r')

hostList = hostFile.readlines()


# admin password

mypass = getpass()

# new password for the new local user

adpass = getpass()

# adjust aaa settings and save

for device in hostList:

    huawei = {

        "host": device,

        "username": "username",

        "password": mypass,

        "device_type": "huawei",


    net_connect = Netmiko(**huawei)

    output = net_connect.send_config_from_file("change_file.txt")



# verify admin user and pwd

for device in hostList:

    huawei = {

        "host": device,

        "username": "admin",

        "password": adpass,

        "device_type": "huawei",


    net_connect = Netmiko(**huawei)

    output = net_connect.send_config_from_file("verification")



Script require user who is making a change to type his password and new user password at the very beginning.

Logs to all devices make a change then logs again to all devices with new user name and credentials and can run commands from verification file.


For troubleshooting purposes script sends logs to test.log file. 

More scrips will be available here:

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Lab topology

 I am currently preparing for Cisco 300-715 SISE exam. I thought I will share my lab diagram and I will follow with some configuration examples in my next posts starting with configuration of access layer switch {NAD}. There few more elements that I am planning to add but this will happen in the future.

Lab overview:

- Dell T1700 (quad core Xeon + 16GB RAM) running VMware ESXi

- Cisco ASA 5505 (also have Cisco ASA 5520) later on I will connect other physical devices to it for instance physical switches,WLC an AP


I should add, just for SISE exam this topology is a bit of an over kill, but it comes handy with every day work.

UPDATE: Passed Cisco SISE 300-715 exam!

Plumbing... QoS

Rule no 1. QoS does not help in situations where there is no enough bandwidth but helps optimize performance by prioritization of the traffi...