Thursday, 28 October 2021

DevNet - Linux - Bash (1)

 BASH basics

- acronym for "Bourne Again Shell"

- allows for command and script processing

- supports piping i.e.:

$env | more 

will add page breaks when displaying the information:

- For help  "man" can be used to access detailed information about command i.e.:

$man pwd

will return:

- sample commands:

pwd - print current working directory

ls - list files and directories, optionally can be used with "-a" (show all including hidden files) or "-l" to list permissions and user/group ownership, example:

mkdir - create directory

rm - deletes file or directory, useful flag "-rf" to force remove all files within deleted


cp - copy file or folder, does not delete the source file

mv - move file/folder between directories, also can be used to rename files/folders

        using "mv -f " will force overwrite if destination file already exists

cat - can be used to view or create files, 

        useful example $cat filename.txt | more 

touch - used to create an empty file or change the time stamp without opening it

- running commands at the admin level "sudo" can be used, example:

  $sudo apt-get update - this will prompt user to enter password before proceeding with an update of the list of available packages

- environment variables:

env - to view current set of variables, example: $env | more

echo - can be used to display single variable i.e.: echo $PATH

export - can be used to add new variable i.e.: export PASS=c1sco

unset - can be used to remove variable i.e.: unset PASS

note! newly created variable will be lost after session reload unless it is added to .bashrc file (or .zshrc on MacOS) 

to add variable, example:

$echo "export PASS=c1sco" >> .bashrc

to reload the variables:

$source ~/.bashrc or $. ~/.bashrc 

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